Life Line: Life line on an individual’s palm represents the age of that individual. Life line originates beneath the mount of Jupiter. It instigates from the side of the palm (on the side of thumb) and then moves downward to end at bracelets. According to rules of palmistry, Life line on a palm represents age (i.e., the length of life) and health aspects (i.e., the presence of ailments in one’s life at different points of time).
Head Line: Head line on an individual’s palm represents the intellectualness and brain of that individual. Head line originated beneath the mount of Jupiter (on the side of thumb). Many people have their life line as well as head line originating from the same place. According to rules of palmistry, Head line reads intellectual ability of a person. A person with a deep, dark, and clear head line will have a sharp brain and better intellectual ability. On the other hand, a person with a faded, unclear, and broken head line will have lower intellectual ability and a weak brain.
Heart Line: Heart line on an individual’s palm originates from Mount of Mercury, creating a separation in between the part of Mercury and Harshala. It instigates from the side of the palm, beneath the index finger (on the opposite side of the thumb) and then moves up to end just beneath the middle finger. However, some people might have their heart line ending much early and below. Some people don’t have any heart line, and they are destined to be too cruel in nature. According to rules of palmistry, Heart line represents for the matters related to heart. A strong heart line makes a person generous and kind, while a weak heart line results in the development of heartless and unforgiving nature in an individual.
Line of Apollo or Sun: According to rules of palmistry, Line of Apollo or Sun represents the amount of success which one is destined to attain in one’s life. This is also the reason behind calling it a ‘Line of Success’. Line of Apollo or Sun is vertical in nature, and it originates differently in different palms. However, most of the time, it ends at Mount of Sun.
Fate Line: Just like the Line of Apollo or Sun, Fate Line also does not have any fixed commencing point. Generally, it starts from the head of the wrist and then moves upward to end at Mount of Saturn, while crossing head line and heart line in the process. Most of the people might not be able to find fate line in their hand, as it is not easily visible. Only about 50 percent of the people will have a fate line. According to rules of palmistry, Fate Line represents for the fate or destiny of person. Those without any fate line live a trivial life, while those with a clear fate line earn good fortune out of hard work.
Health Line: According to rules of palmistry, Health line on an individual’s palm represents health issues which include both material well being as well as physical well being of a person. Health line does not have any certain point of initiation. However, it ends at Mount of Mercury. With some people, health line is as thin as a hair, and sometimes it is comparatively thick enough to be easily visible.
Marriage Line: Marriage Line is also called as ‘Line of Love’, because of its significance in love related matters. However, it is not intensively visible as life line or heart line, but even in the light of it, one simply cannot ignore its significance which it holds in the rulebooks of palmistry or palm reading. Marriage line is positioned on the Mount of Mercury, moving horizontally to the opposite direction (towards the side of thumb). A longer marriage line denotes longer and stable relationships; marriage line slopping towards heart line denotes demise of partner, marriage line twisting upwards denotes solitary in a person’s life, etc. Similarly, 3 or 4 series of lines as marriage lines denotes several marriages or love affairs of a person, a cross over a marriage line represents for conflict, separation, or divorce in a relationship, small signs on marriage line indicates illicit romantic affairs of a person.
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